Helping African American Community in Chicago

COVID-19 adversely effects African Americans more than any other race, especially ones with other underlying health issues. The Montclare Senior Residences of Avalon Park (MSRAP) has a total of 234 African American residents that are 90% low income and over the age of 60. MSRAP consists of two adjoining 7-story buildings with 224 units.

MSARP is an independent senior living development, with most of our residents leading a very productive life. However, we have some seniors with cancer (currently taking chemo), high blood pressure, diabetes, transplant recipients, lupus, stroke, obesity, COPD (currently on oxygen), dialysis, all problems generally associated with the elderly. Despite the odds, we fortunately have not had one resident diagnosed with COVID-19.

While we agree 1st responders are the main focus, we are not medical staff but we are 1st responders to the MSRAP seniors. Linda, Gerry, Courtney, Temple (management staff), Barry (PTM Cleaning Service) Marilyn, Donnell, Michael, Brian, Anna (MSRAP resident volunteers) and myself, (Davis-Leake Consulting, LLC) are continuously putting their lives on the line 7 days a week to save others; sanitizing the building twice daily; emergency apartment work orders, transporting food from stores and donation sites, resident door deliveries of food, household essentials, medicine (deliveries), postal, FedEx, UPS, and well-being checks. In addition, we are providing gloves and masks to all residences, homemakers and others who come into the building that do not have them. We continue to minimize the visitors except essential ones such as food deliveries, family members bringing food and other household necessities, homemakers, medical staff, and family members doing well-being checks. We have requested that all adults refrain from bringing children under the age of 18 into the building during this pandemic.

MR Properties, LLC (owners), Pacific Management Inc. (management company), Alderman Michelle Harris (8th Ward) continuously give their support to keep all 234 residents safe. At The Montclare Senior Residences, “YOUR QUALITY OF LIFE IS OUR PRIMARY CONCERN!”

With the assistance of Alderman Michelle Harris, MSARP has received food donations from Captain Hard Times, the Black United Fund of Illinois, Inc. and hand sanitizer from Koval Distillery. In an effort to continue to give our residents the best care available, we sincerely welcome additional community donations.

Patricia Davis, MSRAP Manager, (312) 519-6670