brain stimulation

Remaining Sharp as you Age

Everyone has an incidental Senior Moment. Perhaps you’ve gone into a room and do not remember why, or have misplaced something. Do not fret memory lapses can occur at any age and it is natural to have them from time to time. However, when significant memory loss is noticeable, it is typically not due to aging but organic disorders, brain injury, or neurological illness. Please see a doctor if you have observed these traits in yourself or a loved one. Now several studies have shown that you can help prevent memory lapses and reduce the risk of dementia with brain stimulation and basic good health habits.

Keeping your body and mind healthy

Healthy Habits

  • Remain physically active.

    Examples include; riding a bike, swimming at a slow pace, walking briskly, jogging slowly, using a treadmill, and dancing.

  • Get enough sleep

    It is during sleep that our body and mind regenerates itself.

  • Do not smoke or drink excessively.

    Both hinder higher brain functionality.

  • Eat a balanced diet low in saturated trans fats.

    Choosing the correct foods makes a substantial impact on your brains functionality. Foods such as leafy greens, avocados, and berries have all been linked to positive brain health.

Brain Stimulation

By keeping your mind active it will keep you sharp and reduce your senior moments.

  • Keep learning

    Challenging your brain with mental exercise is believed to help preserve brain cells and stimulate communication among them. Try pursuing a new hobby, learning a new skill, puzzles, mental math, and drawing.

  • Use all of your senses

    The more senses you use in learning something your brain will become more involved in retaining the memory. For example your recall on songs is much stronger compared to when you memorize something without a tune. This is because you are using two senses hearing and singing the lyrics.

  • Repeat what you want to remember

    When you want to remember something you’ve just heard, read, or thought about repeat it out loud and write it down. By doing so you have reinforced your memory.

  • Consistency in your memory habits

    Repetition is the most crucial step in memory preservation when it is properly timed. It is not best to repeat something in a short period. By spacing out periods of mental stimulation it helps you improve your memory and is particularly valuable when you try to master complicated information.

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