For many people across the world coffee is an essential part of their day. For coffee drinkers it gives them the energy to tackle the day but it is more than that. It is the soothing feeling of a warm mug in your hands and the rich aroma that greets you every morning. However, have you ever stopped to think about the health benefits? Several studies have shown that coffee consumption is good for both the body and soul.
Pep in your Step
It is no hidden fact that coffee puts a little pep in your step but that extra pep goes a long way in improving various aspects of brain function such as;
Enhancing your memory
Improving your mood
Increases your energy levels and reaction times
Helps you fight depression
Not only does the extra pep help your brain function but it also aides in helping you improve your physical performance and burn fat
Rich Nutritious Rewards
For many years man has sought to find the fountain of youth and has failed. In their quests nutritionists have found that several nutrients are required to help your body function. Coffee has an abundant source of the essential nutrients that your body requires. A single cup of coffee contains;
Vitamin B2. B5, and B3
Disease Deterrent
According to Harvard Health coffee has been among the most heavily studied drinks. Evidence from the studies suggests that moderate coffee consumption of three to four cups per day have been linked to a longer lifespan. Since the studies have determined that coffee drinkers may have a reduced risk of;
Cardiovascular Disease
Type Two Diabetes
Parkinson’s Disease
Uterine and Liver Cancer